Navigating Team Changes: My 4-Step Framework for Ramping Up Quickly

Hari Ohm Prasath
2 min readOct 1, 2024

From newbie to prod in four steps

Since joining Amazon in 2020, I’ve transitioned across three different teams, driven by both personal curiosity and organizational shifts. Each move presented new challenges, from learning unfamiliar domains to navigating new codebases and team dynamics. To streamline these transitions, I developed a framework that has consistently helped me ramp up quickly and contribute effectively.

If you’re feeling stuck in your current team because of the fear of moving to a new team and starting from scratch, I encourage you to give this framework a try. Here’s my four-week/step plan to ramp up in any new team:

[Step-1] Dogfood Your Product

Start by viewing the product through the lens of the customer. Ask yourself:

  1. Why does this product exist? — This will help you understand the core vision behind it.
  2. What problem does it solve, and are there alternatives? — You’ll get clarity on its value proposition and the competitive landscape.
  3. What are the product’s limitations? — At Amazon, we have a culture of proposing ideas as part of our OP1 & OP2 process. Recognizing the product’s limitations early can help you brainstorm improvements that…

